Lady Who Productions
Meagan Adele Lopez

Behind the Scenes of "Through the Eyes of Others" Film
Meet Meagan Adele Lopez: a Cuban-American who has created a career telling stories intersecting technology, creativity and communications.
Hi, I'm the founder of Lady Who Productions. I started my life immersed in theatre. I didn't realize I could also be the one to create worlds, not just act in them, until much later in life. For nearly 20 years, I acted (from 5 years old to 25 years old). I studied at Baltimore School for the Arts, La Sorbonne, L’école Florent and the University of Southern California.
After graduation, I worked in film and television casting on productions like Wanted (Universal), Juno (Fox Searchlight), The Day the Earth Stood Still (Twentieth Century Fox), X-Files 2 (Twentieth Century Fox), Medium & Numb3rs (CBS) - ironically casting other people in projects, but it allowed me learn that side of the business. How do people get cast and why? It's this curiosity that I follow at each step.
After writing my first novel in 2010, I started getting curious about how I could market this novel, and how I could help people find it. This curiosity led me to co-found one of the nation's first social media marketing agencies called SocialKaty. Following the acquisition of the company, I went on to help build Publicis Groupe VivaKi's fastest growing social media ad buying arm, and then was moved to London with them to do the same. My career developed through various big corporations like The New York Times where I climbed the ladder until I decided to venture out on my own because I knew I wanted to make a difference with brands I cared about.
It took me over five years after building this company before I realized that I wanted to work with those who are most important to my heart - fellow dreamers, artists and creatives who make beautiful, soulful pieces of art, music. films, books, toys, etc. that the world deserves to see. I love the quote from Julia Cameron:
"Focused on process, our creative life retains a sense of adventure. Focused on product, the same creative life can feel foolish or barren.”
I've written books, plays, produced and directed films and developed concepts for hundreds of online brand campaigns, including the Paris 2024 Olympics.
I feel so honored to be able to handle the marketing for you, so you can focus on the process. I believe in empowering artists with the tools to do it on their own, or at least have an understanding of how to do it. There is no greater power than in the knowledge of getting your work out there. That said, you don't have to do everything - you can leave it to us.
Don't hesitate to follow my YouTube series "Whimsy and Grit: the creative chronicles from process to marketing" where I go through discussions about process of making films to writing novels, and talk with other artists to help you better understand how to get your work out there.
My work has appeared or been written about in the BBC, The New York Times, The Baltimore Sun, The Next Web, Elite Daily, among others.
Interesting sidenote: the story behind the name "Lady Who" can be discovered in my Twitter thread.
You can find me @meagan on Twitter and @theladywhom on Instagram.